Perpetually out of print, much sought after and universally worshipped amongst those in the know, Winter's Into Darkness is a game-changing classic. Formed in New York circa 1988, Winter played slow, deep and hard nuclear doom with a crust punk rawness, that came across like Hellhammer jamming with Amebix. Their penchant for mammoth sized and funeral-paced, wasteland droning has become a touchstone reference for bands across the whole spectrum of underground metal. Svart Records is proud to put the album back in print for a new generation of listeners. This reissue notably also features the legendary demo which was only reissued on a mini-CD in 1995, now finally on vinyl. The colored 2LP-set comes in a slipcase box with a luxury 32 page magazine, with every imaginable press clipping and piece of memorabilia about Winter ever produced!